Common Terms You'll Hear Related To Auger Boring
Here at AV Drilling, we are experts in Auger Boring. This is a trenchless application that allows drilling to occur without disturbing any existing infrastructure or resulting in a muddy mess. It requires specialised equipment and techniques,…
Understanding The Applications Of Directional Boring
Civil works and construction has seen an amazing influx of development and technological advancement in recent years that have expanded the abilities, scope of use, and safety of directional boring in many ways. However, there are still certain…
Precautions To Take With Under Road Bore Projects
When working on a project requiring an under road bore, Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) is a common method utilised. A trenchless technology, HDD uses surface-launched equipment to drill underground horizontally, often underneath roads…
How To Identify Underground Utilities
Before undertaking a new civil project, it is important to detect any underground utilities to prevent damage and disruption of services to local residents and businesses. AV Drilling has vast experience in the field of boring and drilling and…
Under Road Boring and Horizontal Directional Drilling Contractors Sydney.
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